Residential treatment centers earn their reputation primarily based on how well they can get through to teens facing challenges and if they have helped them overcome them. It provides a therapeutic setting designed to track progress with students every single week they’re on campus.

Elevations RTC, operating out of Syracuse, Utah, has found plenty of success with its therapeutic program. A big part of their success is focusing on keeping campus life much like the real world for teenagers. Therapy is essential, but academics are right up there as well.

How does Elevation RTC help teenagers build a brighter future through academics? The goal is never to do just the bare minimum. High-end college preparatory academics keep students engaged at all times.


Personalized Education


A common theme with students at Elevations RTC is that they never received enough individual attention in a traditional classroom setting at their public school. It’s tough for students struggling to get the attention necessary unless they have a tutor.

Elevations RTC keeps classroom sizes small and ensures no student is left behind. If a student is having trouble keeping up, as found by a student’s evaluation each week, slowing down the curriculum helps them go more at their pace to retain the information taught.

If they need more of a challenge, that’s possible as well.

Students tend to respond very well to this extra attention in the classroom. It’s not always about students not having a passion for education. Between peer pressure and other influences in their lives, they aren’t always confident enough to ask for help in a traditional school.


All-Gender Inclusive


Some teenagers naturally have trouble interacting with the other genders. The real world is all-gender inclusive, which makes more sense to have the residential treatment center as all-gender inclusive as well.

Learning how to build social skills and work as a team with the opposite gender can make life much easier once returning home.

It operates much like a regular high school, with smaller class sizes and more focused on providing quality care overall. Developing healthy relationships with people from different backgrounds can be valuable later in life.


Learning Away From The Classroom


Typical high school has extracurricular activities and field trips throughout the year. Elevations RTC takes that to a different level by offering many different options considering the campus size.

The campus itself can evolve into a playground for all types of activities. Students who want to stay physically active can participate in a wide range of sports.

If they’re looking for an artistic outlet, there’s everything from music to gardening. The campus at Elevations RTC intentionally provides enough open space in the design of their program to help their students feel more at ease.

At the same time, the campus isn’t massive enough for students to isolate themselves and not participate in activities. Elevations RTC also takes full advantage of having a near-perfect location for a residential treatment center.

The surrounding area near Salt Lake City offers many activities throughout the year. In the summer, rafting, hiking, and more can be done almost daily. When the temperature drops and snow starts falling, a new set of activities is easy to get to and enjoy as a class.

And with the wide variety of community arts, museums, nature centers, etc. in Utah, field trips are also made available to our students to help them better understand and appreciate what they are learning in class.


Full Accreditation


Elevations RTC follows the same traditional school year found everywhere in the United States, with students having a chance to earn 1.5 credits each quarter.

Full accreditation with the Utah Department of Education, the California Department of Education, and the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools gives families assurance that credits will transfer once back home. This allows students to catch up with their peers and surpass them in some instances.

The last thing Elevations RTC wants is to send a child back home unprepared for what lies ahead. By keeping up academically, that boost alone will make the transition smooth.


Educational Support at All Times


A student receives an evaluation as soon as they arrive on Elevations RTC’s campus. From that point forward, the entire team monitors how a student does in the classroom, looking for the proper mental health treatment and paying attention to how a student learns.

Having consistent learning support encourages students to reach out and get extra assistance if necessary. Instead of feeling embarrassed or too afraid to ask for help, a staff member is there.

Everything is integrated at Elevations RTC as the academic program bleeds into the therapeutic and clinical program. Everyone on staff shares notes and works with each other to have a complete evaluation of a student.


How Academics Can Change a Teenager‘s Life


A lot of struggles teenagers deal with can relate to academics. Some students will begin acting out because of their struggles in the classroom. Others will start as outstanding students, but some struggles cause them to lose focus and have problems later on.

Getting the academic side squared away can provide long-lasting value for teenagers transitioning back home. Students graduate from Elevations RTC but still have work to do in a traditional setting.

Providing students with the tools they need to succeed, every graduate leaves a much more confident student. It’s one of the many reasons Elevations RTC continues receiving outstanding reviews from graduates and their families.