It is rare to find people being pleased with their bodies. Gaining weight in unexpected places can become a problem for people hoping to get rid of that abdominal bulge or love handles. Trying to lose weight by going on a punishing diet and spending hours at the gym is often ineffective. You would be well advised to try the non-invasive, FDA-approved emsculpt procedure that will endow you with a cool, sculpted body afterward.

The Basics Of The EmSculpt Procedure

First things first though! You will be rewarded with a sculpted look after undergoing this procedure. The pluses of body sculpting are to address the body parts that have stubborn deposits of fat. The non-invasive procedure helps to eliminate the pockets of fat ensuring smooth and well-defined body contours. Individuals seeking EmSculpt are elated to find the fat reduced from the following problem areas without excessive effort:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Legs
  • thighs
  • Upper arms
  • “Love handles”
  • Neck

The Working ofEmSculpt Procedure

The term EmSculptrefers to a specific device that is used during this procedure.

  • The device uses high-intensity electromagnetic fields (HIFEM) that are focused on the target area(s). The underlying muscles contract rapidly and repeatedly as a result
  • The process engages all muscles in the area forcing them to contract 20,000 times within a half-hour period
  • You will find the procedure similar to a rigorous workout sans the building of sweat or rapidly racing heart
  • Research studies reveal that a single session of EmSculpt can be likened to 20,000 crunches, squats/ biceps curls in 30 minutes. This causes the metabolic rate to go up resulting in a leak of fatty acids from the targeted area
  • Moreover, an EmSculpt also increases muscle density

Are You a Good Candidate?

It is natural for you to wonder about your eligibility as a candidate. Rest assured, almost anyone possessing good general health can opt for the procedure. It is important to remember that this is not a weight loss procedure per se. Instead, you are welcome to go through it as long as your BMR is below or equal to 35.


Again, you may be eager to see the results. While a session will have you spend 30 minutes you have to wait longer to see the results. The best results will be evident after you undergo at least four sessions by spacing them two weeks apart. Fortunately, the results are evident pretty quickly with many patients reporting positive outcomes within a week or a few more days. The experts advise waiting for at least three weeks for eye-catching results.

How Long Does the Effect Last?

Just like everything in life, you have to work towards maintaining the results. Be sure to follow a healthy diet and indulge in regular physical exercise to ensure long-lasting outcomes.

The emsculpt procedure is an exciting one with most people being all agog to try it. However, it is best to consult an expert or medical professional to understand the dos and donts before going ahead with it.