
During the recovery period after removing your wisdom teeth, you will need to stick to a diet of mostly soft foods , with some additional restrictions to ensure quick and complete healing.

Immediately after your surgery

Your oral surgeon will give you a full list of care guidelines after your surgery, but in general, here’s what you can expect: You will likely leave the office with your mouth still numb and a packet of gauze in your mouth to help stem any bleeding. remaining and form a clot that will eventually become the basis for new healthy tissue.

Stay away from very hot or very cold foods until you feel full in your mouth. You should also avoid any foods that you have to chew naturally during the healing process – but that doubles when your mouth is still numb, as you could easily end up chewing your own tongue or cheek without realizing it.

Guidelines for Foods to Eat After Tooth Extraction

For the first week or so after you have had your wisdom teeth – or really, all teeth extracted – you need nutritious food to help you recover, but you need to. ‘in a way that does not cause pain or interfere with the healing of your extraction site.

The solution is to eat soft, nutritious foods, but that doesn’t necessarily mean bland pudding and gelatin. Some of the best foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal include smoothies, soups, broths, yogurts, applesauce, instant oatmeal, and even flavored mashed potatoes . Basically anything you don’t have to chew or suck with a straw is fair game, and if you’ve ever wanted a free license to sit around eating ice cream all day, having your wisdom teeth is too. a good reason like everything.

Once you are able to chew a bit you can move on to soft foods like eggs (poach, fry or scramble to keep them soft), pancakes, avocados, baked beans, baked fruit, bananas, cooked vegetables. steamed until soft, and even soft protein like fish. Big soups, like chowder, can be especially satisfying once you’ve been on a soft food diet for a while, and you can sneak into a few special treats like crab cakes, donuts, bread roll. homemade meat, or even soft and salty noodles.

Learn more: Better teeth and a better mood? Why kissing is good for your health

Some people choose to lay eggs in a supply of soft, canned foods , such as peas, beans, and fish, before having their wisdom teeth extracted. It’s a great way to prepare, but don’t make the heartbreaking mistake of forgetting to have a can opener handy, too.

What not to eat after wisdom tooth extraction

If you’ve got plenty of nutrient-dense, soft foods to eat after your wisdom teeth have been removed, you’re almost good to go – but there are a few important things you shouldn’t eat, too.

Perhaps the most important caution is not to eat (or, more accurately, drink) these soft foods through a straw . The aspiration could disrupt the blood clot that helps form new tissue where your teeth were removed, causing a chronic painful condition known as a dry socket. You should also resist the temptation to drink food while you eat – it can have the same effect as using a straw.

If you smoke, it might be tempting to go out for a cigarette after your surgery is over. But do your best to resist: Sucking on a cigarette can disrupt the healing clot and cause a dry socket, just like drinking from a straw.

During your recovery period, you should also make sure to stay away from soft drinks (bubbles can also cause a dry cavity), thick grains, and hard or crunchy foods (lumps can get stuck where your teeth were pulled out) , and acidic or very spicy foods and drinks that can irritate the extraction site and hurt you until your mouth is healed. Chews are also prohibited for at least a week.

Learn More: 7 Foods That Are Ruining Your Smile

Don’t worry – you won’t have to stick with wisdom teeth recovery food forever. But the healing time can vary somewhat, from a few days to a few weeks . You will probably find that you start to feel better in a few days, but it helps to allow plenty of healing time so that your body can heal at its own pace.