As a youth mentor, you must guide and help the young people under your care through different youth programmes.
You will be expected to guide them on their studies or career path and teach them life skills such as self-discipline and goal setting. However, mentoring isn’t just about imparting knowledge and skills–it’s also about building relationships and strengthening bonds between mentor and mentee.
Where and how will the program be conducted?
The program will usually cover a period of 3 to 6 months. The number of sessions you have depends on how long your youth mentoring program is, and many programs are flexible. In some cases, there may be one or two sessions per week. In other cases, it may only be one session at the beginning and end of a semester or school year.
The location for these meetings can vary based on the needs of both participants when you partner with charity; sometimes, they take place at schools or universities but more often than not, they take place in community centers where everyone has access to trained staff members who can provide help when needed.
What kind of activities are they going to do?
It is the mentor’s responsibility to ensure that the mentee has fun, but at the same time, they are also learning valuable skills. A mentor will want to teach their mentee how to tie a tie or fix a bike tire.
They could also take them on field trips and teach them about nature while they are at it. Also, after-school activities are vital. Whatever activity they decide on, make sure it’s enjoyable for both parties involved in the process!
What is their experience in mentoring youth?
You should ask the youth mentor about their experience in mentoring youth. The term “mentoring” is not just about the number of years they have been mentoring; it is also about how much they have learned and helped others.
When you ask them about their experience mentoring youth, it does not mean that you only want to hear from them what kind of training they have undergone or how many years they have been doing this job. You are looking for someone who understands your student’s needs and challenges and is passionate about helping young people learn new skills, establish relationships with others or even find purpose through this programme.
Does the charity have a policy for reporting any mishaps or infringements during the program?
This is an important question to ask. It’s essential that you know what will happen if something goes wrong with your child’s mentoring experience. If your child feels threatened by their mentor, you want to know that they can report this to someone who will take action on their behalf.
The above are all factors you should consider when choosing a mentoring program for your child to act as holiday courses. You wouldn’t want them to be in an environment where they might be at risk of being harmed or abused, so it’s essential to be careful about who you choose.
Also, think about the activities that will take place during the program and what kind of experience the charity has had in dealing with youth before making your decision so that everything goes smoothly!